Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy



This company is committed to protecting the privacy of children who use our sites and applications. The Children's Online Privacy Policy explains our information collection, disclosure, and parental consent practices with respect to information provided by children under the age of 13 (“child” or “children”) and uses terms that are defined in our Privacy Policy. This policy is in compliance with the US Children's Online Privacy Act (COPPA) and describes our practices in the United States related to children's personal information. For more information on COPPA and general advice on protecting children's privacy online, visit OnGuard Online.

We are concerned about the privacy of minors. We recognize that children's use of the Internet and email raise special concerns about privacy and the security of personal data.

We encourage all parents to check and supervise the online activities of their minor children.

Data collection

Your minor child will be able to enjoy most of the content and activities in our children's area without having to provide us with ANY personal information.

Children can explore our site, and play our games and use our applications without having to provide us with any type of personal information (Email, Name, Telephone, etc. etc.)


The advertising that we show is extremely careful, and we do not present any type of advertising that is not suitable for children.

How can parents ask questions or express concerns?

If a parent has any questions or concerns about their child's use of our site or apps, we ask the parent to contact us at